Back in the early days of Review Board, just before we were set to announce, I threw together a little website for the project. We were small then, with just a few users (no companies outside VMware, really), and the website didn't need to have much.
We've grown considerably since then, and the website was starting to feel really stuffy and outdated. It also wasn't built to handle some of the things we have planned for it, such as a documentation browser in the site or community features for third party developers and users. So, I decided it was time to give the site a makeover.
The new site is a lot cleaner and leaves room to breathe. There's still more planned for the site, and there's probably a few breakages here and there, but it's a definite improvement over the old one.
In the next week, I hope to begin bringing new parts of the site online. We also have a 1.0 alpha 2 release planned.
If you find any breakages, please let us know.