4800: Logs filling up with avatar service errors


What version are you running?


My reviewboard logs are full of messages like this:

ERROR - root - Could not get a suitable avatar service for user <username>

I currently have almost 120,000 of these log messages.
This does not seem like something that should be constantly logging and filling up the logs. Perhaps this should be logged at debug instead of error.

#1 splatter2

I upgraded to reviewboard 3.0.14 and I am experiencing the same behavior.

Note that I have None selected as "Default avatar service" under "Avatar Services" in the admin settings.

#2 chipx86

I think I see why. We'll get a fix for 3.0.15.

  • -New
  • +Release-3.0.x
  • +Component:Avatars
  • +chipx86
#3 chipx86

Should be fixed for the upcoming Djblets 1.0.12/Review Board 3.0.15 releases (6731d9b977f13687405089cf792ce21210209327 on Djblets release-1.0.x).

  • -Confirmed
#4 Tab10id

Not fully fixed. We have empty avatar src when default service is "file upload". Not sure about others.