4372: Missing "View Diff" on the review request action bar due to unicode handling bug


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Reviwboard 2.5.2
GitLab Community Edition 8.2.3

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What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

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Ubuntu 14.04 - Bitnami virtual image

Please provide any additional information below.

I select the commit in the repo, but no diff tab displayed.
If I upload manually instead, appears perfectly.

This is what the log is telling me:

2016-03-17 08:17:57,516 - ERROR - - Unable to update new review request from commit ID 4f14daa9cd22fc9af6853c710bb9552795132e92: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe1 in position 4872: ordinal not in range(128)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/bitnami/apps/reviewboard/htdocs/reviewboard/reviews/managers.py", line 150, in create
File "/opt/bitnami/apps/reviewboard/htdocs/reviewboard/reviews/models/base_review_request_details.py", line 220, in update_from_commit_id
File "/opt/bitnami/apps/reviewboard/htdocs/reviewboard/reviews/models/base_review_request_details.py", line 264, in update_from_committed_change
commit = self.repository.get_change(commit_id)
File "/opt/bitnami/apps/reviewboard/htdocs/reviewboard/scmtools/models.py", line 450, in get_change
return hosting_service.get_change(self, revision)
File "/opt/bitnami/apps/reviewboard/htdocs/reviewboard/hostingsvcs/gitlab.py", line 326, in get_change
diff = diff.rsplit('--\nlibgit', 2)[0]
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe1 in position 4872: ordinal not in range(128)

What can I do? I don't see the problem.
And it is a curious behavior, because in the beginning was working.
The installation of ReviewBoard has around 2 months and in the beginning was working fine.


#1 brennie

Thanks for reporting this!

It looks like the diff has some non-ASCII characters but the GitLab code doesn't appear to be set up for it.

#2 chipx86
  • -New
  • +Release-2.0.x
  • +Component:HostingServices
  • +chipx86
#3 chipx86

Change up for review at https://reviews.reviewboard.org/r/8194/

  • +PendingReview
#4 chipx86

Fixed in e38497672cb0e3c9c4ced97588d51ef3aaff1694, and scheduled for Review Board 2.0.x+.

  • -Confirmed