4049: "Reply" link in "Other reviews" message box does not scroll to the correct message when clicked.


What version are you running?

Review Board 2.5.2

What's the URL of the page containing the problem?


What steps will reproduce the problem?

  1. Go to an existing comment on the diff page.
  2. Click on the comment to open the "Other reviews" page.
  3. Click on the "Reply" link for the existing comment.

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

Expected: Browser should navigate to the "Reviews" page, then scroll to the relevant comment and open a reply message box.

Actual: Browser navigates to the "Reviews" Page. It does not scroll to the relevant comment. When manually scrolling to the correct comment the reply message box is created.

What operating system are you using? What browser?

Server OS: Ubuntu 14.04.01

Desktop OS: Ubuntu 14.04
Browser: Google Chrome Version 45.0.2454.85 (64-bit)

Please provide any additional information below.

Info as posted on Review Board Forum:

When opening an existing message on the "Diff" page, the link "Reply" does not work as expected.

When clicked the "Reply" link, it does open the "Reviews" page but does not scroll to the correct message that one wants to reply to. However if I manually scroll to the correct message a message box is opened to type in the reply.

When clicking the "View" button it does scroll to the correct message. There I can click the "Reply" button to open a message box to enter a reply.

The URLs generated by the 2 different links are (say review 6 and message 3):
Reply: http://myserver/r/6/?reply_id=3&reply_type=diff_comments
View: http://myserver/r/6/#comment3

I am assuming this is a bug because if I manually update the URL in my browser and add the #comment3 to the initial URL for Reply it takes me to the message and opens the message box.
thus: http://myserver/r/6/?reply_id=3&reply_type=diff_comments#comment3
(I am no HTML expert, this was just a guess)

#1 david
  • +Component:Reviews
#2 purelogiq
  • +purelogiq
#3 david

Fixed in release-2.5.x (2224eff). This will ship in 2.5.4. Thanks!

  • -New